
Showing all 4 results

  • Wood Restoration Kit

    Wood Restoration Kits

    Use the Wood Restoration kit on windowsills and frames, columns, doors, moldings, clapboards, balustrades, furniture and anywhere wood is in need of strengthening and repair. crp0015
    $49.75$179.90 Details/Purchase
  • LiquidWood Epoxy

    LiquidWood Epoxy

    LiquidWood® (Liquid Epoxy), is a deep penetrating wood consolidant that regenerates and waterproofs rotted, dried-out or spongy wood. It restores structural strength and durability to wood fibers. crp0015-lw
    $55.75$239.90 Details/Purchase
  • WoodEpox Wood Filler


    WoodEpox Wood Epoxy Filler

    WoodEpox wood filler is a shrink-free wood replacement compound that can be used in any thickness to replace and repair wood. It can be painted, stained, sanded and worked like wood. crp0015-we
    $49.75 - $209.90 $49.75 - $199.00 Details/Purchase
  • Pigments for use with WoodEpox® and other paste type epoxies.

    Pigments for Wood Epox

    Dry Pigments are available for mixing into the WoodEpox® mixture to allow you to approximate the color of the surrounding wood. crp0016-pigment  
    $8.95$18.95 Details/Purchase

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